
registration closes

March 21st

Transform your ability to support healing in yourself and others!

Discover Recent Breakthroughs in Chakra Healing

And make real improvements in your life (and/or in the lives of your clients/patients)

Be Among the First in Your Field

Free Webinar Series:

The Verifiable Truth About Chakras

March 21, 22, and 23, 2023
8:00PM Eastern
On Zoom


Webinar Highlights

Discover the Remarkable Effect of Chakras on Health, Wellness, and Achievement

Did you know? Certain chakra anomalies can reveal:

The likelihood you will be able to recover

from a setback and how long it might take (unless chakra anatomy is strengthened and supported).

exactly how and where

a trauma or setback is affecting you.

If you are NOT ready to commit

to a new diet or healing program.

if you are dealing with

deep sadness or depressing feelings

if you are holding on to something

and where that energy is being held, so that you can support that release in one session or less.

Plus, chakras can give you insights into yourself such as:

Are you ready for a new love relationship or to renew the one you have?


Do you tend to spend too much, or give too much away?

Do you have far more potential than you’re currently using?

The current likelihood you’ll be successful in your career.

Free 3-part Webinar

March 21, 22, and 23, 2023
8:00PM Eastern

Reserve Your Seat Today

You’ll be so glad you did!



You have the power to change all this when you learn how to correct chakra anomalies.

The Magnificent Potential of Your Chakras to Give You an Abundance of Energy

The 5 weak links in your chakra system that contribute to low energy, exhaustion, and low reserves.

How to correct your own energy leaks. (it’s like fixing the holes in your water bucket).

How would your life be different if you could enjoy maximum energy potential?

How to Evaluate, Assess, and Correct Chakra Anomalies

Ways to use the Applied Chakra Analysis Method

at home and/or in your practice.

The tools you need to evaluate, assess, and correct

each part of the chakra. (they’re included free in my upcoming course!)

Real life example

of an evaluation and analysis for a member of the webinar.

Free 3-part Webinar

March 21, 22, and 23, 2023
8:00PM Eastern

Reserve Your Seat Today

You’ll be so glad you did!



registration closes

March 21st